What is 4 HO MET?
4 ho met for sale is short for 4-Hydroxy-N-methyl-N-ethyltryptamine. This substance falls into the tryptamine class of chemicals. It is very similar to psilocin, which is the primary psychoactive component in magic mushrooms. This drug is able to generate psychedelic results by acting on the serotonin receptors. Many researchers have noted that experimental findings for 4-HO-MET are nearly identical to those of psilocin. It is common for 4-HO-MET experiments to yield results of color enhancement, drifting, pattern recognition enhancement, symmetrical texture repetition, transformations, internal hallucinations, conceptual thinking, and analysis enhancement. A sense of ego death is another common finding with 4-HO-MET experiments, keep in mind that it is an analogue of 4-AcO-MET.
Buy MET drugs online
4-HO-MET was first synthesized by Alexander Shulgin and reported in his 1997 book TiHKAL (“Tryptamines I Have Known and Loved”). Reports of human use began to surface in the late 2000s following its appearance on the online research chemicals market. It has been sold alongside other psilocybin analogs such as 4-AcO-DMT and 4-HO-MiPT.
User reports typically describe 4-HO-MET as a more recreational version of psilocybin mushrooms or psilocin (4-HO-DMT) due to its less serious headspace and greater emphasis on visual effects. Notable effects include geometric visual hallucinations, time distortion, enhanced introspection, and ego loss.
Very little data exists about the pharmacological properties, metabolism, and toxicity of this drug. It is assumed to have a similar risk and toxicity profile as psilocybin but there is no data to support this. It is highly advised to use harm reduction practices if using this substance.
Is This drug a Safe Research Chemical?
While the substance mirrors psychedelic drugs we are familiar with, no concrete information says the drug is safe. The problem with research chemicals is that they are often prepared by novice chemists, which means those who produce them can make a mistake at any turn. It is easy to sell a product online and market it as one product but sell something completely different. Most research chemicals that can be found online are not safe.
Each time you consume a research chemical like this, you are playing Russian roulette with your life. Psychedelic drugs tend to interfere with underlying psychological issues, and the adverse effects can lead to severe health problems.
This drug is unpredictable, and as a psychedelic drug, it can lead to dangerous mood swings and erratic behavior that’s not safe for anyone to be around. If the user experiences a bad trip and has a hallucination they swear is real, it will trigger their fight-or-flight response, which could create a dangerous situation. It is strongly advised not to use this or any research drug for that matter. There is not enough research to understand how these drugs can affect you in the long run.
If you or someone you know has become dependent on using 4 HO MET, there are options available for treatment. It’s good to know which treatment is sufficient for helping someone using psychedelic research chemicals.
Some of the Cognitive Effects That Users Reported Under the Influence of 4 HO MET Are:
- Delusions
- Enhanced creativity
- Enhanced analysis
- Conceptual thinking
- Suppressed memory
- Fits of laughter
- Increase in sense of humor
The Most Common Physical Side Effects Reported By Users Include:
- Pleasurable body sensations
- Stimulation
- Dissociative effects
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Temperature regulation suppression
- Muscle contractions
- Increased heart rate
- Dilated pupils
- Salivation
- Yawning
- Teary eyes
- Teeth grinding
- Brain zaps (head or brain zaps that feel like a sudden jolt by a strong electric charge)
- Potential for seizures
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